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Posts by: gtaracido

DAVID EN UBE2024 Bonsai Empire

David Benavente creates a Pine Bonsai

DAVID EN UBE2024 Bonsai Empire

Cómo tener un jardín japonés espectacular en 6 meses

A spectacular Japanese garden in only 6 months

Hello friends! Today’s video will surprise you. We show you the Japanese garden of our friend Borja and we tell.


The pagoda of Pepinoland

Long term projects are the ones that give the best results. I hope you enjoy it! Video of the evolution.


The Harp. History of a pine tree.

The transformation story of this Pino. It came to me ten years ago in a plastic boat and today it.


Video presentation of the study in summer


Itoigawa Imai Chiharu

This time I will introduce you to a crucial moment in the design of this itoigawa sabina. I will give.


Sabina dragon design school

This time I will show you the progress to date of this sabina that we have called “The dragon”. You.


School of Design: Sabina grafted

On this occasion, David Benavente shares with us some of his design concepts applied to a fabulous juniper tree grafted.


This is what a day in the garden

This is what a day in the garden This is what a day in the garden looks like as seen.


Wild olive kifu sumo

In this video I will show you the first steps of the design of a “Sumo” shaped chuhin acebuche. From.